Milky White Nails Foot: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Milky White Nails Foot


Milky white nails foot is a condition characterized by the appearance of a milky white color on the toenails. This discoloration can be concerning and may indicate an underlying health issue. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for milky white nails foot.

Causes of Milky White Nails Foot

Causes Of Milky White Nails Foot

There are several possible causes for milky white nails foot:

1. Fungal Infection: One of the most common causes of milky white nails foot is a fungal infection. Fungi thrive in warm and moist environments, making the toenails a perfect breeding ground for them. The infection can cause the nails to become thick, brittle, and turn a milky white color.

2. Trauma: Trauma to the toenail, such as stubbing it or dropping something heavy on it, can also lead to milky white nails foot. This is usually a temporary condition and will resolve as the nail grows out.

3. Psoriasis: Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that can affect the skin and nails. It can cause the nails to become thick, pitted, and develop a milky white color.

4. Raynaud's Disease: Raynaud's disease is a condition that affects the blood vessels, causing them to spasm and restrict blood flow to certain areas of the body, including the toes. This reduced blood flow can lead to a milky white appearance of the nails.

5. Malnutrition: Nutritional deficiencies, particularly of minerals like zinc and iron, can affect the health of the nails and result in a milky white color.

Symptoms of Milky White Nails Foot

Symptoms Of Milky White Nails Foot

In addition to the milky white color, there are other symptoms that may accompany milky white nails foot:

1. Brittle or crumbly nails.

2. Thickening of the nails.

3. Pitting or small depressions on the nail surface.

4. Pain or discomfort in the toenails.

5. Redness or swelling around the nails.

Treatment of Milky White Nails Foot

Treatment Of Milky White Nails Foot

The treatment of milky white nails foot depends on the underlying cause:

1. Fungal Infection: Antifungal medications, both topical and oral, are commonly prescribed to treat fungal infections of the toenails. It is important to follow the prescribed treatment regimen to completely eliminate the infection.

2. Trauma: If the milky white nails foot is a result of trauma, it is recommended to keep the affected toenail clean and protected. The nail will gradually grow out, and the milky white color will disappear.

3. Psoriasis: Treating psoriasis can help improve the appearance of the nails. This may involve topical treatments, oral medications, or light therapy, depending on the severity of the condition.

4. Raynaud's Disease: Managing Raynaud's disease involves keeping the feet warm and protected, especially in cold temperatures. Medications that improve blood flow may also be prescribed.

5. Nutritional Deficiencies: If malnutrition is the underlying cause of milky white nails foot, addressing the deficiencies through a balanced diet or supplements can help restore nail health.


Milky white nails foot can be a cause for concern, but with proper diagnosis and treatment, it is often possible to address the underlying cause and restore the nails to a healthy state. If you notice any changes in the color or texture of your toenails, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

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